
How to help us fund our services and support

The Love for Liberty Arnold-Simon DIPG Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit foundation.

Currently fee-free donations are accepted via PayPal Giving Fund (including credit cards), Facebook, check, or cash. You can also donate via regular PayPal, although they will take fees for this.

Checks should be written out to the “Love for Liberty Arnold-Simon DIPG Foundation” and can be sent to:

Love for Liberty Arnold-Simon DIPG Foundation
PO Box 403
Clinton, MA 01510

Cash or check can also be handed in-person to a member of the Board with prior arrangement. We do not recommend sending cash via postal mail.

You can designate your donation to DIPG family bereavement services or the local fund, or let us decide which need is greater at the time of your donation.

With PayPal, you may choose to make a monthly donation.

Please email us with any questions.

You can also support us through AmazonSmile, where we will receive a 0.5% donation for everything you already purchase on Amazon as long as you start at and select us as your chosen charity on the website or in the mobile app.

For Liberty's 11th birthday in August, the only thing we want is donations to the Love for Liberty Arnold-Simon DIPG Foundation to help bereaved pediatric cancer families as well as our local community. Every penny will go directly to funding the foundation’s unique programs. Donate through our fundraiser on Facbook, or you can donate to Love for Liberty Arnold-Simon DIPG Foundation through our donate page. Thanks for your support!